in State & Local Government, Second Edition
edited by John R. Baker
978-1-930398-12-2  © 2010  $32.00  ($25.60 to bookstores)

PART ONE    State and Local Government and Politics: An Introduction
PART TWO    State and Local Governments in the Federal System
1 Madison's View of Federalism in The Federalist   FRANCIS R. GREENE
2 National Center for Interstate Compacts   JOHN J. MOUNTJOY
3 Trends in Interstate Relations   JOSEPH F. ZIMMERMAN
PART THREE    The Legal and Cultural Environment of State and Local Politics
4 State Constitutional Interpretation   G. ALAN TARR
5 State Bills of Rights: Dead or Alive?   DOROTHY T. BEASLEY
6 Municipal Charters   LAWRENCE F. KELLER
7 Marketplace, Commonwealth, and the Three Political Subcultures   DANIEL J. ELAZAR
8 Civic Culture and Government Performance in the American States   TOM W. RICE and ALEXANDER F. SUMBERG
9 Mapping the Genome of American Political Subcultures   DAVID Y. MILLER, DAVID C. BARKER, and CHRISTOPHER J. CARMAN
PART FOUR    Political Participation and Elections
10 Election Systems and Voter Turnout   SHAUN BOWLER, DAVID BROCKINGTON, and TODD DONOVAN
11 Cumulative Voting as an Alternative to Districting   ROBERT BRISCHETTO
12 Success for Instant Runoff Voting in San Francisco   STEVEN HILL and ROBERT RICHIE
13 The Oregon Voting Revolution   DON HAMILTON
14 The Nuts and Bolts of Public Financing of State Candidate Campaigns   CRAIG B. HOLMAN
PART FIVE    Political Parties and Interest Groups
15 What Color is Montana?   WALTER KIRN
16 First Among Thirds   GREG SARGENT
17 Interest Groups and Journalists in the States   CHRISTOPHER A. COOPER, ANTHONY J NOWNES, and MARTIN JOHNSON
18 Perceptions of Power: Interest Groups in Local Politics   CHRISTOPHER A. COOPER, ANTHONY J NOWNES, and STEVEN ROBERTS
PART SIX    Executive Leadership in State and Local Government
19 Chief Executive Success in the Legislative Arena   MARGARET ROBERTSON FERGUSON
20 An Institutionalist Perspective on Mayoral Leadership   CRAIG M. WHEELAND
PART SEVEN    Legislative Institutions and Politics
21 I Spent a Winter in Politics   STEWART BLEDSOE
22 Measuring State Legislative Professionalism   PEVERILL SQUIRE
23 Colorado's Term Limits: Consequences, Yes. But Were They Intended?   JOHN A. STRAAYER
24 Playing the Political Game   KATE WILTROUT
25 Being a Township Trustee Isn't a White-Collar Job   BRIAN WILLIAMS
PART EIGHT    Bureaucracy, Bureaucrats, and Administrators
26 Beyond Bureaucracy with Charter Agencies   JIM CHRISINGER and BABAK ARMAJANI
27 Does Age Matter? Local Governments in the Post-Baby Boom Era   TODD TUCKER
PART NINE    State and Local Court Systems
28 Judicial Selection and State Court Performance   DAMAN CANN
29 The Miracle of Jury Reform in New York   JAMES P. LEVINE and STEVEN ZEIDMAN
30 Small-Town Justice, With Trial and Error   WILLIAM GLABERSON
PART TEN    State and Local Finances
31 Budget Balancing Tactics   SUJIT M. CANAGARETNA
32 Rolling the Dice   BRUCE BUCHANAN
33 Tax Increment Financing   RICHARD F. DYE and DAVID F. MERRIMAN

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